For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made…
Psalm 139:13-14a
As our nation continues its downward slide into cultural oblivion, there has arisen a most devilish practice, one that stretches the bounds of reasonable sensibility of those who maintain any semblance of moral decency or even shallow-thinking common sense. The sexual mutilation of children and adolescents is the most deviant, heinous, destructive act performed by medical science today with the exception of abortion.
These evil deeds are eagerly completed on young people who have not had the required time to allow the full development of their emotional make-up or their complete mental acuity. Those who are under the age of eighteen should never undergo such life-changing experiences, even with parental consent.

Photo from
In the state of Minnesota, Democrat law makers (any surprise?) managed to get a bill passed that will allow minors from other states to visit Minnesota for ‘sex change’ surgeries without parental consent. The bill is called the ‘Trans Refuge’ bill. These lawmakers are demonic and I do mean they are influenced, if not controlled by the devil himself. Yet they attempt to hide their proceedings until after the vote is complete and they work hard to put an air of professional decorum on their vote for the sake of appearance. Note the following from
“In the (Minnesota) Senate earlier today, Democrats were warned that cheering and emotional demonstrations would be out of order as the “carve ’em up” bill was being voted on. So they waited until the tally was done before breaking into shouts and cheers of joy at the prospect of out-of-state children being mutilated in Minnesota, contrary to the wishes of their parents. But the Senate’s official feed went dark, so that the disgusting display was invisible to whatever handful of viewers had tuned in to the proceedings.”
These wicked politicians attempt to hide their deeds and their emotions from the public because in Minnesota, fully 67% of the state’s residents oppose such surgeries.
Meanwhile, here in Middle Tennessee, where Dee and I make our home, news recently exposed Vanderbilt Transgender Health Clinic (est. 2018) in Nashville as a center for conducting ‘sex reassignment’ surgeries for minors. Yes, right here in the middle of the Bible Belt, the mid-south, a ‘Red State’ – where biblical principles supposedly provide an anchor for southern culture!

Euphemisms – when used appropriately – might bring a smile or a quiet chuckle, but not in this case. The term ‘gender affirming health care’ sounds rather innocuous and even helpful, but when you see this term used in print or hear this term on your favorite news show, what it refers to is puberty blockers for young people and gender mutilation surgery. These so-called treatments are evil deeds foisted upon the unknowing, the confused, and the ignorant.
Concerning children – anyone under the age of eighteen – these dreadful prescriptions and medical procedures should be outlawed immediately. Once a person attains the age of legal adulthood and is mentally capable of making their own adult decisions, then the rights of personal freedom should allow for these procedures, but definitely not until then.
However, so-called medical professionals who prescribe medications for children that will change their lives forever and despicable surgeons and nurses who mutilate our young people are no more than evil monsters who prey upon the innocent. They are ghouls with a deeper interest in money and the destruction of the innocent than in helping others.
If this is where American society is headed, then may God have mercy upon us in these very dark days.
~ Vanderbilt Transgender Health Clinic suspends gender-affirming surgery for minors. By Andy Rose, October 9, 2022.
~ Vanderbilt Transgender Health Clinic Opens, First in US Southeast. By Grace Carr, August 27, 2018.
~ Carve ‘Em Up! By John Hinderaker, April 21, 2023.
© Jeffery J. Michaels / Plain English Publications 2023
(Quotations allowed with attribution to this blog)